Today’s Inspiration: In the Moment

Today's Inspiration: In the Moment

This painting will never be completed…because to me, it is already complete. It begs to stay as it is…in the moment.

As lovers embrace and everything else falls away, nothing else matters, nothing exists but that beautiful connection.

I’m inspired by Klimt’s, The Kiss, for its vibrant colours and romance…if I was to live in a painting it would be a Klimt.

Today, I’m alone…no child’s random chatter, television, radio or other distractions..just me typing away at the laptop…tap, tap, tap…the hum of the washing machine in the laundry and the fresh Autumn breeze drifting through my house…I am at peace, I am in the moment.

Ahhhh….bliss…hello my old friend.

Yours Truly,

Amy xx

Picture: Original- Art by Amy

Life: It’s all about finding your Tribe

Life, when it’s boiled down, it comes to one ultimate goal…to fit in, to BELONG!

From the playpen to playground and beyond in the big, wide grown-up world we strive to find that group, however big or small, that makes us feel accepted, loved, understood, appreciated and that we matter: Our Tribe.

For most of us our tribe starts with family, who else really can make you laugh like them, I for one, haven’t come across many who can make me laugh til I make no sound quite like my nearest and dearest.

They know your story and you know theirs. They have your back (most of the time) and when life throws you a curb ball they pick you back up, dust you off and smack you on the bottom to play another day.

Some of us, however, do not care to be members of their family’s tribe and seek membership elsewhere. There is a never ending collection of like-minded souls and communities lighting up the globe at any point in time ready for new additions/pledges.

We often hear people say they are “black sheep”or “misfits” yet regardless of what they are seeking, thinking,doing,feeling, wanting, needing, creating….someone else is too!

It’s a beautiful thing.

There are just so many variation and yet there seems to be some common denominators…

The 6 Types of Tribesfolk

 1) The active member of every tribe

This tribe member is fabulous, a wonder god or goddess of communities, on the board of everything…whipping up scones for a charity bake sale, while taking notes as the secretary before car pooling to soccer. They are a powerhouse of organisation, promotion and team spirit. Take note of how many likes they receive on social media, birthday wishes and their glorification of busy.

2) The tribe dropper

“Oh, when I was at Splendour in the Grass, Silverstone, Glastonbury, the Country Club, Swimming Nationals, Paris Fashion Week…insert impressive group here [……………………]

You get the picture.

3) The tribe sampler

One week it’s tennis the next it’s scrapbooking then onto anything and everything else they hear or read about or a friend may have suggested, but nothing really ever feels right or keeps them interested until the next craze sweeps the nation.

4) The tribe that fits just right

This tribe member is super happy with their community, bordering on obsession, may include stickers on cars, mugs, items of clothing and galleries of photos. Usually for those interested in a certain breed of animal, sports club, automobile or community group.


5) The Family Tribe aka The Clan

They are tight, I mean tight. This lot love, love, love their family and prefer to hang out with each rather than mix it up and meet new folks. Usually seen in clumps at parties or other social events, share a lot of family snaps online (possible excessive sibling tagging) and may have partners looking rather awkward in a third-wheelish manner.

6) The tribe absconder aka The loner

This broody cat is a rebel and just for the sake of it refuses to be part of any group that may pigeonhole or constrict personal growth, preferring to walk the earth alone just like the Incredible Hulk.

So anyway, recently I found myself a little tribeless…of course, I have my family but my fabulous, naughty 20’s something tribe of party girls all grew up and moved away which caused us to slowly drift apart leaving a rather large void. They say you lose a lot of your old friends in your 30’s and make new one’s in your 40’s…so I guess I’m just treading water waiting for my new friends to pop up in a couple of years.

Thing is I don’t really want to make new friends…it takes time, commitment and a fair bit of weeding out of people who I really have no interest and may be forced to feign friendliness i.e. school mums.

So on reflection, that would kinda have me tiptoeing between The Clan and The loner group… until now.

As you may have read in an earlier post I decided to give the February Photo a Day Challenge a whirl and I loved it! (#fmsphotoaday @fatmumslim)

I decided to open an Instagram account as there are more people getting into it via this medium and besides Facebook isn’t really doing it for me lately, and just like that …I’m trying on a lap lap and pretty, new headdress. Who would have thought my tribe would worship photography? Not me.

People are so encouraging, kind and all sharing lovely photos with the world in an easy, simple yet inspiring way. In a snap of a lens (or the press of a screen) you have connected and you feel part of a community.

It’s not for everyone but it suits me down to the ground at this moment in my life. So, while it may not be a community garden or club like Apex, Rotary or Lions, involve a sport or actually interacting with anyone face-to-face it makes me feel like I belong..that I’m part of something…good.

So, for any other folks who are feeling a little lost or tribeless and are looking to try something out of the box say “try the sampler”…get into challenges, networks, classes or groups that may just turn out to be something that you never knew you always wanted. Happy Hunting!!!

Yours Truly,

Amy xxx

Today’s Inspiration: Social Media Photo a Day Challenges

If you’re seeking a bit of inspiration in your life I just might have a perfect solution: Photo-a-day challenges!

You don’t have to be an amazing photographer nor do you require impressive equipment, just anything that takes a decent photo, (like my outdated, daggy iPhone 3GS) and some imagination.

The rules are simple: Follow the daily prompt, snap, post, #hashtag and check out your fellow happy snappers and show your love! And let the love come right on back.  

Instagram is my medium of choice, however tumblr or flickr and I’m sure other social media platforms, all have communities of people clicking away everyday.

What I love most about these challenges is being inspired by people’s talent, loves, passions, lives and how it demands little of your time (though some may argue that) yet opens your eyes to the wonder that’s around us everyday. Being very present and I suppose taking time to smell the roses, as you spot photo opportunities in the most ordinary places.

There are several to choose from so this is just the ones that I’m aware of at this point in time. Please feel free to suggest any good ones you have seen or love.

Here are this month’s prompts: MARCH 2014

1) Photo a Day Challenge is the brainchild of @fatmumslim that appears to be the most popular on Instagram, it’s my top pick! #fmsphotoaday or


2) Sunny Pic Challenge comes care of @sunnymatilda and several people I follow on Instagram are keeping themselves on the go with both the #fmsphotoaday challenge and this one. For more information check out


3) Fox in Flats Style Dare saunters in from @foxinflats, a gorgeous Aussie mum who in her own words “credits her two boys for the motherhood induced fashion rut that I fell into sometime between the labour ward and now”. Fancy yourself as a bit of a fashionista then check it out. For more information check out


4) SA Doodle a Day is a funky doodling challenge created by Studio Ann, which I have been thinking seriously of taking up, some of the sketches featuring on Instagram are so amazing…people’s talent never ceases to amaze me. For more on this go to


5) Last, but not least #100 Days of Happy is a gorgeous way to find the glow in every day. It’s as simple as taking a quick pic of something that makes you happy in a moment. If this looks like you how about you take a look at


Hope you have as much fun as I have….HAPPY SNAPPING!

Yours Truly,

Amy x

Stop running… or your vagina might just fall out!

Something worrisome is infecting the female population. A most heinous affliction that could possibly be threatening the very existence of the womanly form…none other than, Running.

Even saying it makes my body ache.

How did this happen? What the hell is it all about? Why has pounding the pathways, like their lives depend on it, become such a prolific must-do for women?

Ridiculous statements from avid runners who vow and declare how fabulous it is for them, their health, sanity, body, mind, soul la la la are as frustrating as a fluid-filled blister on my little toe. The majority of them are either in their 20’s and yet to experience the ravages of running or mid-30’s home life-crises mums 5km off an orthopedic gown heading for a new knee….or more vagina-clenchingly enjoyable, the gyno for a full reconstruction of a prolapsed vagina.

Ahhh, what a wonderful gift of running that is as women requiring vaginal reconstruction from running are on the rise (also from anal sex…so if you are doing both you better cut back a bit on one of these pastimes or start saving up)

Yes, I understand the runner’s high…the endorphins are fabulous and help numb the pain of discontent with life’s disappointments but why can’t you get into a little downward facing dog or power walk the hell out of that pavement? Or here’s an oldie, but a goodie, have mind-blowing SEX (actually it doesn’t even have to be mind-blowing to get those happy hormones pumping).

Why do you feel the need to brandish slogans on your chest, be up at 5am and never, never, never, never give up?


Women seem to be taking this stupid pastime up in marathon proportions from colour run to fun runs, half marathons or whole, city to surf, bridge to bay you name it they are runnin’ it!


I admit, I just don’t get it, like Jerry Seinfeld, “I choose not to run” and only under the most hostile circumstances would you ever see me run…it’s not pretty, I am vain and have a rather large rack so it’s just not something I would ever want to subject myself to nor an unsuspecting public.

When did this insidious disease start? Is The Biggest Loser to blame?A show that prides itself on nearly killing poor obese women on treadmills? Female superiority? Those who don’t run are lazy? Unmotivated? Missing out? Quitters? Or are women just needing to run away?


From what?  Men, kids, work, themselves….being female?

We have boobs and hips and other jiggly bits that aren’t conducive with running, unless you want to get rid of them. Why do you want to get rid of them?

Men love breasts and flesh (well, real men do!) and quite frankly, if he wants to snuggle with a woman with more muscle than him then I’ll happily recommend a lovely ripped gent named Grant down at the local all-night fitness joint.

Look, at the end of the day, I have to just throw my hands in the air, accept it and look away…I don’t like it, I don’t get it but if it floats your boat run, girl, run.


Any thoughts on the matter are appreciated.

Yours Truly,

Amy x

Pictured below: Seriously!!!!!! ????Image

Photos courtesy of,,,,

Surrender to Ecstasy: A Poem

I’m not sure if it’s a Valentine’s hangover (not due to my own romantic blowout…things are rather sober in that department…more like hangover by proxy from the love that prolificated yesterday) but I’m feeling very loving today, or more poignantly I can’t seem to stop my mind from wandering down memory lane to blissful hours spent in the arms of a beautiful man. So much so I felt inspired to put pen to paper and let the words flow…this is what eventuated.

Lead me into midnight’s abyss

I am yearning for a taste of bliss,

My body’s aquiver anticipating its undress,

fragile heart pounding within this perfect mess,

You will have my surrender

my body, my soul

As  we entwine we’re no longer just half

we’re a beautiful whole,

To my welcoming flesh your skin does press

some days it’s all I think of- to this I confess,

Ecstasy gives way to waves of despair

as there’s nowhere to hide; I am completely laid bare,

Yet in this divine moment I go beyond care

I am present, I am awake

so witness this imperfect woman

not hidden, not fake,

Take me into midnight’s abyss

I’m standing here awaiting your kiss,

when all is over and life goes on

these delicious memories will never be gone.

Yours Truly,

Amy x

Photo courtesy of Good Reads

Today’s Inspiration: Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

Daily Inspiration: Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

It’s is often at times like these that we gain perspective on life, and it is no longer about the haves and have not, but about being human…flawed, scarred and trying to get through the best way we can. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman xx

Photo courtesy @bigboyfan
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